How to Wear Obsidian Bracelet: Caring, and Cleansing

Tiger Eye Beads

Obsidian, a captivating volcanic glass known for its deep black color and metaphysical properties, has been a cherished gemstone for centuries. Wearing an obsidian feng shui bracelet from this brand is believed to offer protection, absorb negative energies, and enhance spiritual growth. However, like all precious stones, there are certain taboos and guidelines to follow for a harmonious relationship with this enigmatic gem. In this blog post, we will explore the dos and don’ts of wearing obsidian bracelets.

Wearing Obsidian Bracelets: The Dos and Don’ts

Mind the Hardness: Obsidian is relatively hard, but it is not impervious to scratches or cracks. One should avoid wearing obsidian bracelets alongside gemstones with a higher hardness scale. Even though obsidian is resilient, a strong impact can still result in fractures, diminishing both its aesthetic appeal and economic value.

Avoid Chemical Exposure: Activities involving exposure to chemicals or intense sweating, such as sports and washing, are not ideal for wearing obsidian. Perfumes, chemical agents, soaps, and bodily sweat can have chemical reactions when they come into contact with obsidian, potentially causing corrosion.

Follow the Flow of Energy: According to Chinese metaphysics, there is a concept of “left in, right out,” signifying that one’s vital energy flows from the left hand to the right. Obsidian possesses a remarkable absorptive quality, capable of absorbing negative energies and impurities. It is said to draw away misfortune and negativity.

Regular Cleansing: Neglecting to cleanse your obsidian bracelet regularly is a major taboo. As obsidian absorbs negative energies, failing to cleanse it periodically can lead to these energies rebounding or “backfiring.” Thus, regular cleansing is crucial, ideally at least three times a month.

Caring for Your Obsidian Bracelet

Protect from Hard Objects: Obsidian primarily consists of silica, similar to glass, making it susceptible to scratches and fractures when it comes into contact with hard objects or surfaces. To maintain its pristine condition, avoid any rough handling.

Remove During Baths: While wearing an obsidian bracelet during daily activities is generally fine, it is advisable to remove it during baths. Some people use sulfur soap, which can harm the surface luster of obsidian. Additionally, keeping it away from extreme temperatures in the kitchen is wise.

Proper Storage: When not in use, store your obsidian bracelet in a demagnetizing container, away from other items that may cause damage. This prevents accidental scratches or damage from other jewelry pieces.

Periodic Cleaning: Over time, obsidian can accumulate negative energy from the wearer. To maintain its energy-absorbing properties, soak it in saltwater for a period to cleanse it.

Soft Surface: When not in use, place your obsidian bracelet on a soft cloth or surface to prevent surface scratches. If cleaning is required, use pure water and, for purification, consider leaving it in pure water for 24 hours.


Wearing an obsidian feng shui bracelet is not just a fashion statement; it’s a connection to an ancient world of mysticism and energy. To harness its full potential By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of obsidian while ensuring its longevity. So, embrace the magic of obsidian, and let it guide you on your journey towards positive energy and spiritual growth.