The Auspicious God of Wealth in Your Car: Where and How to Place Him

wealth god

Ensuring a safe and smooth journey is of utmost importance for car owners. To add a touch of luck and protection to their rides, many choose to have the God of Wealth in their cars. In this blog post, we will explore the proper placement and orientation of the God of Wealth inside your car, allowing you to invite prosperity and good fortune on your travels. 

The Placement of the God of Wealth in Your Car

There are two main positions for the God of Wealth inside your car. The first is hanging the deity on the rearview mirror. These miniatures are usually delicate and easy to carry. The second option is placing a slightly larger statue on the car’s central console, exuding a more majestic presence. Regardless of the chosen position, once you place the God of Wealth, it’s essential to keep it fixed and not move it around haphazardly.

The Auspicious Orientation of the God of Wealth

The orientation of the God of Wealth inside your car is equally crucial. The deity’s head should ideally face outward, toward the car’s exterior. This positioning serves to shield the interior from any negative energy and safeguard the well-being of the passengers. Conversely, if the deity’s head faces inward, it might disrupt the energy within the car, potentially attracting negative influences and hindering the driver’s safety.

The Proper Posture of the God of Wealth

To maximize the positive impact, the God of Wealth should be placed in a proper and respectful posture. The deity should sit in an upright and dignified manner. Leaning, lying down, or any other improper postures should be avoided, as they may invite negative energies that can affect the driver’s fortune and journey.

Choosing the Right God of Wealth

When selecting the God of Wealth, you can consider your personal preferences and principles of Feng Shui. Generally, the deity should be represented as tall, majestic, and dignified, instilling a sense of security and confidence. Additionally, you can choose the God of Wealth based on your Chinese zodiac sign. By doing so, the deity’s power to attract wealth and fortune can be enhanced.


Having the God of Wealth in your car is more than just a cultural tradition; it is an ancient belief rooted in attracting prosperity and safeguarding your journey. By carefully placing the deity in the right position, facing the proper direction, and adopting an appropriate posture, you can tap into the positive energies and enjoy a more auspicious and secure travel experience.

Remember, while the God of Wealth can serve as a symbol of good fortune, driving responsibly and following traffic rules for a safe and blessed journey on the roads is essential. May your car rides be filled with luck, prosperity, and happiness as you invite the auspicious God of Wealth to accompany you on your adventures!